Sacagawea (aka Sakakawea or Sacajawea) was a Shoshone Native American woman, who helped explorers William Clark and Meriwether Lewis and their 'Corps of Discovery' on their way to the Pacific Ocean serving as an interpreter and a guide.. The chief and the entire tribe were thrilled to be reunited with Sacagawea. Official North Dakota policy is to use the "Sakakawea" spelling based largely on the writings of Russell Reid who researched the subject in the early 1900's. Most of the rest of the United States, however, including the Hidatsa in North Dakota, tend to use the "Sacagawea" version as being closer to the meaning of her given name. May 26. . She spoke both English and the Native American languages . Most people refer to the Sacagawea Dollar ( peculiarly the one from the year 2000 ) as the Cheerios Dollar. At around age 12, she was captured by an enemy tribe and sold to a French-Canadian trapper who made her his wife. While negotiating with the Shoshone Indians for horses, Sacagawea was reunited with her brother. A couple of years later, Sacagawea found two men who were looking for a native translator called Lewis and . Hawai'i Community College HOHONU 2013 Vol. Over the next three days, Clark, Sacagawea, Charbonneau and 11 other members of the expedition accompanied the Shoshonis over Lemhi Pass to their camp in the Lemhi Valley. Draw a brown line from Idaho to the Pacific Ocean. August 31: With 29 horses, one mule, and a Shoshone guide, the expedition sets off overland. : todayilearned *couldn't find exact day or month* Period: May 10, 1788 to Dec 22, 1812. Draw a brown line from Idaho to the Pacific Ocean. Sacagawea recognized the area as her home and now she recognized this band of Shoshone as her people. She spoke both English and the Native American languages . I set out to discover the true story from Sacagawea herself. While negotiating with the Shoshone Indians for horses, Sacagawea was reunited with her brother. As Sacagawea interpreted between Lewis and the chief of the Shoshones, she was shocked. While helping Lewis and Clark cross the Rockies, Sacagawea ran into Cameahwait, her long lost brother, who was the leader of a Soshone tribe. She would also save the Corps in several situations even while she was pregnant or carrying her son "Pomp" (also known as Jean Baptiste who she gave birth to at Fort Mandan in North Dakota) on her back. The river was named the Sacagawea River. Louis was his godfather and kept his promise to Sacagawea to give her son a fine education. The chief and the entire tribe were thrilled to be reunited with Sacagawea. She was overjoyed to be reunited with her community, even if only for a short time. Thomas Jefferson wanted all people to be _____. May 26, 1805. During the journey, she was reunited with her Shoshone brother, and with his help the group was able to survive a winter and obtain horses. Sacagawea interpreted between Lewis and the chief of the Shoshones, she was shocked. Her baby, named Jean Baptiste, was born on February 11, 1805. ASSISTANCE CONTINUED In August of 1805, west of the continental divide, Sacagawea was reunited with her brother, Cameahwait. The "permanent party" of the Expedition (consisting of Lewis, Clark, 27 soldiers, York, Charbonneau, Sacagawea, and her infant son) departs Fort Mandan. She's six months pregnant with her first child. 300. Who helped Lewis and Clark? New plants, animals, and people. According to the very limited historical sources that we have at our disposal, Sacagawea was born in the year 1788 in Idaho's Lemhi County. That day, Lewis wrote in his journal, "Ocean in view! The "permanent party" of the Expedition (consisting of Lewis, Clark, 27 soldiers, York, Charbonneau, Sacagawea, and her infant son) departs Fort Mandan. Sacagawea, her husband, York, and Sacagawea's brother. How was Sacagawea able to translate for Lewis and Clark? She realized that the chief was her very own brother, Cameahwait. . Read more. Sacagawea's job was to interpret for Lewis and Clark when they met with Indigenous communities. Explain how Sacagawea is reunited with her brother, the chief of the Shoshone tribe and that Lewis and Clark were given much-needed horses and a Shoshone guide to lead them across the Rockies. Who did Sacagawea reunite with on the expedition? No, Sacajawea was happy that she and her brother were reunited again. He provided horses and guides to the Expedition, assisting their journey across the Bitterroot Mountains and through the Salmon River country to the Clearwater and Columbia Rivers. A "Historical Facts" section at the book's end summarizes Sacagawea's life . They held a peace party in honor of her, Lewis and Clark, and the entire expedition team. Cameahwait was Sacagawea's brother. Portrait of Sacagawea. Hence they decided to hire the Charbonneau family to accompany them. She was reunited with her brother Cameahwait. 300. . As Sacagawea interpreted between Lewis and the chief of the Shoshones, she was shocked. September 9: The explorers set up a camp they call Travelers Rest, near today's Lolo, Montana. Quick-thinking Sacagawea gathered important documents, tools, and medicines, while taking care of her son. She would later be reunited with her brother when she traveled with the Corps of Discovery. 10. As a woman and mother, Sacagawea helped preserve peace between the expedition and any Indians they met. After their long and difficult journey, Sacagawea and Charbonneau returned to the Mandan village. Sacagawea Sacagawea was an interpreter and guide for Meriwether Lewis and William Clark's expedition westward from the Mississippi River to the Pacific Coast. . But she helped in many other ways also. #571467 - 2005 L&C Sacagawea & Brother Reunite Commem- Death Of Sacagawea . Sacagawea describes her experiences on the expedition to her young son Pomp as he prepares to go and live with Captain Clark. But she helped in many other ways also. In August of 1805, west of the Continental Divide, when the expedition needed to secure horses, Sacagawea was joyfully reunited with her brother, Cameahwait. In November 1804, she was invited to join the . She provided direction, natural plants for boiling and eating, bargained for much needed horses with her recently reunited brother and was a message for the group that hope should be kept alive. The students will engage in an activity of labeling the oceans and the direction of currents on each side . Feb. 11, 1805: . Much to everyone's relief, the parties reunited a short time later. But she stayed on with the Corps and eventually, they made it to the coast in Oregon Territory in 1805, having traveled across the vast Louisiana Purchase. The students will engage in an activity of labeling the oceans and the direction of currents on each side . Does Sacagawea have a brother? In separate, it '. Not only did they prove to be Sacagawea's band, but their leader Chief Cameahwait turned out to be her brother. . 300. June 13, 1805. . . Her presence was calming to both groups. Clark and the rest of the Corps soon followed, and when they arrived, Sacagawea found herself unexpectedly reunited with her brother, Cameahwait. After the expedition Sacagawea and her family lived back in in Lehm River Valley with her people. Explain how Sacagawea is reunited with her brother, the chief of the Shoshone tribe and that Lewis and Clark were given much-needed horses and a Shoshone guide to lead them across the Rockies. Sacagawea reunites with her brother, Cameahwait. Recommended for you. Sacagawea was reunited with her brother, Chief Cameahwait, and other members of her family, but continued with the expedition. The importance of Sacagawea. They met many new people, Sacagawea got to reunite with her brother, and they and up being rich by then time the expedition ended. We do not know much about Sacagawea's early life. "Lewis & Clark at Three Forks," mural in lobby of Montana House of Representatives. There Sacagawea was reunited with her brother. The artist may be contacted at Michael Haynes, Historic Art One of the best-known episodes in the whole story of the Lewis and Clark Expedition is the surprise reunion of the party's "interpretess," Sacagawea, with her brother, Cameahwait, the "Great Chief" of the Lemhi Shoshones. 1804 (I) Sacagawea's Life After Sacagawea was captured, she was forced to marry Charbonneau, a fur trader. In the midst of much embracing, Jumping Fish, a young Shoshoni woman who had accompanied Cameahwait, recognized Sacagawea as her childhood friend. I found out that during the expedition, Sacagawea an invaluable linguist which was an imperative for trading, she even saved the supplies and maps, she reunited with her brother, and did all this while caring for her infant, Jean Baptiste, who was just 2 months old when they left. 300. to survive was her brother, Cameahwait, and an infant son of her oldest sister (Lewis, 1969). Cameahwait helped supply the expedition with horses and guides. It was recorded briefly and matter-of-factly by Meriwether Lewis. Sacagawea reunites with her brother, Cameahwait. Then, the expedition carried on over land to the Pacific Ocean to what is now Oregon. In November of 1805, Sacagawea and the . The expedition crosses over the Great Divide. Helpful. November 1805 Sacagawea sees the Pacific Ocean. 300. . In Lewis and Clarks journals she is often referred as a Snake woman, which was term attributed to all Native American women at . Her name has also been pronounced many other ways, including sack-ah-jahWEE-ah. When she was only 12 she was kidnapped along with several other girls in her tribe, by an enemy tribe. Though she made the trip with an infant strapped to her back, she was recognized throughout Clark's journal as one of the bravest members of the expedition. The expedition said goodbye to the Shoshone and set off for the mountains. . Over the next three days, Clark, Sacagawea, Charbonneau and 11 other members of the . December 20, 1812, is generally believed to be the day that Sacagawea died in Kenel, South Dakota. Interpreters with Lewis . At the time of her death, she was with her husband at Fort Manuel, a Missouri Fur Company trading post in present-day South Dakota. In a happier tale, Sacagawea reunited with her brother, Cameahwait, during a trading trip. 300. Cameahwait was Sacagawea's brother.