Here are five fast facts about Rachel to help you better understand her tragic role in the Bible. Includes: Online video lessons with discussion guides; Promotional materials for Bible Study . Genesis 29:1-14. Rachel's Strengths Rachel stood by her husband during her father's deceptions. This is Rachel, our mother. The bible is full of stories of extraordinary women who showed unparalleled courage and faith in God. Jacob was tricked by her father Laban into marrying her older sister Leah first, though in exchange for seven years of work Laban allowed Jacob to marry Rachel too. Rachel's father Laban was known as a shepherd and from that context . The significance of the woman's role as a trickster in the book of Genesis seems to differ from the role of the patriarch. Rachel is one of four arch-mothers of Israel (Genesis 29:6). He did. @ Rachel **Debra was known not as a wife, mother or harlot, but as a judge who brought shame to the male leaders of her day because they were afraid to go to war without her. Bethel is the site of God's revelation to him when he was fleeing from Esau. At first childless, Rachel eventually gave birth to Joseph and . Thus, she weeps at Ramah because she is buried there, and she weeps over what is happening in Bethlehem because . French : metronymic from the female Biblical name Rachel, meaning 'ewe' in Hebrew. 1. When they saw that neither of them could carry a child, they ordered Jacob to sleep with their maid Bilhah. Not only do the plot of this story in the Bible and The Handmaid's Tale favor, but the role of the women in society do as well. This was a highly positive meaning. Reflecting circumstances of birth Rachel called the child of her death, Ben-oni, "son of my sorrow" (Genesis 35:18). Perhaps Rachel believed in the power of the images. Pronunciation: ra-chel. Jacob is the father of the twelve tribes of Israel and is a significant figure in biblical history. Jews consider the tomb of Rachel to be their third holiest site. The "unloved" Leah bore seven of Jacob's childrensix sons, Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Issachar, and Zebulun, as well as a daughter, Dinah. 16 And Laban had two daughters: the name of the elder was Leah, and the name of the younger was Rachel. Rachel was the one he loved, and Leah was the one who bore more children for him. Significant - A Study of Women in Jesus' Genealogy: Six Ordinary Women, One Extraordinary God Rachel had a son, Joseph, Genesis 29:31-15, 30:1-24. Leah's story starts in Genesis 29. Genesis 29:16 Furious at Jacob's trickery, Esau made a vow to kill Jacob as . Rachel, apparently, held great power over Jacob in the family dynamic (Genesis 30:14-16). The name was mainly used by Jews in the medieval period, and . Biblical: Jacob's wife, described as being "beautiful in form and countenance". Rachel was the ancestress of the Northern Kingdom, which was called Ephraim after Joseph's son. The Meaning of Names in the Bible. It is of Hebrew origin, and the meaning of Rachel is "ewe, female sheep". This location, in the middle of the nation, provided the most important crossroads in central Israel. The Lies of Replacement Theology; . Rachel met Jacob when he was fleeing from his hometown. Jacob's concubine Bilhah gave birth to Dan . Jews from all over the world pour out their hearts at the resting place of Mama Rachel (credit: Yossi Mizrahi). The possible meaning of the number 84 is derived from both Old and New Testament events. Yet the Torah was also careful to preserve the earlier name of Ben-Oni as a way of honoring Rachel and acknowledging her suffering. God rewarded Leah with the first-born son . In the Old Testament this is the name of the favourite wife of Jacob. Origin: Rachel is a Hebrew name meaning "ewe." Gender: Rachel is commonly used as a girl name. Genesis 35: The Death of Rachel. "When the Lord saw that Leah was hated, he opened her womb, but Rachel was barren" ( Genesis 29:31 ). Rachel and Leah left their homeland with Jacob, Rachel stealing the sacred household shrine. This is because the double digit number 14 is a multiple of the number 7, which is often regarded as a perfect number in both spiritual and numerological terms, when dealing with angel numbers. Walk alongside real women of the Bible through their struggles and successes, and discover how to become a woman of significance. Story of Leah in the Bible. Leah's third son was named Levi "Because I have born him three sons.". Known by its Arabic name "Cobur Bani Israil," five low, large . The incidents of her life may be found in Genesis29-33, 35. Leah loved Jacob and prayed about her situation, and God had compassion for Leah. Rachel said to Leah, "Give me of thy son's mandrakes.". Rachel and Leah two sisters, the two wives of Jacob, and two of the matriarchs of our people. It symbolizes a special, rare ewe. Get the book here! Rachel knowingly or not would have defiled the gods of Laban by getting menstrual blood on them, as well as not being caught as the thief. The Meaning of Rachel in the Bible. Like Rachel, embracing the truth of our identity as children of God is a process. Rachel and Leah were sisters who were both married to Jacob and could not have children. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. 3 Lessons Rachel In The Bible Can Teach Us About Motherhood 1. Meaning & History. What is the spiritual meaning of the name Rachel? The Hebrew Bible tells six stories of barren women: three of the four matriarchs (Sarah, Rebekah, and Rachel); the unnamed wife of Manoah/mother of Samson; Hannah, the mother of the prophet Samuel; and the Shunnamite woman, an acolyte of the prophet Elisha. In Jeremiah's day, Rachel weeps over her children once more, this time because they are being led into captivity and exile near the very spot where she is buried. In an act of bravado he removed the great stone cover of the well single-handed, hoping to impress the young woman. Leah was the wife of Jacob, a man who did not love her, and she also had to share her husband with her sister. 5779 Tet - The Year of God's Goodness! Rachel's beauty overwhelms Jacob when he arrives at Rachel's father's compound, where he had fled to avoid being killed by his brother Esau after Jacob cheats Esau out of his birthright. It is a biblical name derived literally from the word rachel with the meaning 'ewe'. From the Hebrew name (Rachel) meaning "ewe". This assumption is called into question, however, when we consider everything else the Torah tells us about their roles as wholly righteous women and founders of the Jewish . Their passionate romance was marked by love's inspiring endurance and sacrifice as well as its ugly face of jealousy ( Genesis 2535 ). Following the massacre at Shechem, Jacob fears that the neighboring tribes will seek retribution. Rachel is first mentioned in the Hebrew Bible in Genesis 29 when Jacob happens upon her as she is about to water her father's flock. Genesis 29:16 Meaning. NAS: kissed Rachel, and lifted KJV: kissed Rachel, and lifted up INT: kissed Jacob Rachel and lifted his voice. Initially barren and facing her husband's . Leah is one of four arch-mothers of Israel.She is one of two daughters of Laban, son of Bethuel, son of Nahor with Milcah.Leah is the sister of Jacob's second wife Rachel (note that in the later Levitical code marrying two sisters became prohibited Leviticus 18:18) and the mother of the first four sons of Jacob (Reuben, Simeon, Levi and Judah), and his ninth and tenth (), and his only . Possibly also the meaning of the name Rachel (= ewe) may have added something to the force of the prophet's description. Come along with blogger, pastor's wife, and author Rachel Risner for this timely six-week journey. For over 1,000 years, tradition has identified the tomb of Rachel - Jacob's wife and the mother of Joseph and Benjamin - in Bethlehem, south of Jerusalem. German : habitational name from a place called Rachel in Bohemia. The bible seems to concentrate on the roles women were designed by God to perform-as wives and mothers-and the most obvious corruption of that design-harlotry. But Leah was the first wife that he actually married, the first to bear his children, and the one . And Ramah of Simeon (also called Ramah of the Negev) is a desert village in the Negev allocated to the tribe of Simeon ( Joshua 19:8 ). This incident comes at a time when Rachel had borne no children, though she had given her handmaid to Jacob and she bore two sons on her behalf (Genesis 30:1-8). Gen. 30:14 "In the days of the wheat harvest, Reuben found mandrakes in the field. Rachel is derived from the Hebrew Rachel () meaning "ewe". The Message: "Leah had nice . By Mary Jane Chaignot. But in Biblical times it certainly was. When Jacob saw Rachel at close quarters he was instantly smitten. The story of Esau is found in Genesis 25:19-28:9, 32:1 -33:20, and 35:27-36:43. Rachel was Jacob's first love and primary wife. Pregnancies occur when Yahweh "remembers" women and "opens their wombs.". Leah, the eldest, had eyes that were "delicate.". In the Biblical account, Jacob is dispatched to the hometown of Labanthe brother of his mother Rebekahto avoid being killed by his brother Esau, and to find a wife. Sarah understands her barrenness to be the result of God withholding the gift of pregnancy . Proper names consisting of one or more terms consciously chosen by the namer conveyed a readily understandable meaning within the biblical world. God's Hebrew Alphabet & Prophetic Meaning; Bible Prophecy - KEY to Kowing the Future! Rachel is noted for her beauty and she wins the heart of Jacob, Leah, the other sister, unloved, married by a trick to the trickster Jacob, she however is the ancestor of Joseph the husband of Mary, mother of the Messiah. The place is identified with the modern el-'Azariyeh, meaning " Lazarus ' [village].". So it is that when God instructs him to go back to Bethel, Jacob doesn't hesitate. Rachel in the Bible is a quiet character who occasionally speaks her mind and sometimes acts with questionable integrity. Bethany is a village about fifteen furlongs (about 1.7 mi., or 2.7 km.) Although many baby names are separated by gender, Verywell Family believes that sex does not need to play a role in your name selection process. He hears the cry of the ewe on the hill-top bleating for her lambs. But in Biblical times it certainly was. Marriage to Jacob. from Jerusalem (John 11: 18), on the eastern slope of the Mount of Olives. Joseph - means "The Lord will add a son" - 1 st born of Rachel. Jacob denied having the idols, not knowing that Rachel had stolen them . She bargained with Leah to obtain the mandrakes by giving Ya'akov to her "for the night.". . Seven represents completion, and so the number 14 indicates a double . Use the Chapter Study Kit to do your own, in-depth . The Living Bible: "Leah had lovely eyes, but Rachel was shapely, and in every way a beauty.". Biblical women who experience periods of barrenness often understand their inability to conceive as a divine withholding of blessing, a punishment, or even a curse. There is an unusual story that alludes to the competition for Jacob's affection between Leah and Rachel. Why did Jacob marry Leah and Rachel? He was paranoid that another king had been born and was eliminating the competition. Rachel's origin is Hebrew, and its use, English, French, German, and Yiddish. Genesis 29:15-30. The significance of the women lies in their relationship to Elkanah and in their childbearing capacity: "The name of one was Hannah, and the name of the other Peninnah. The bible seems to concentrate on the roles women were designed by God to perform-as wives and mothers-and the most obvious corruption of that design-harlotry. She was the second daughter of Laban, Rebekah's brother, making Jacob her first cousin. Rachel means "Shepherd" in the Bible, which is well-fitting for Rachel since she was a shepherd to her father's flock of sheep. Rachel, the wife of Jacob, died in connection with the birth of her child, Benjamin. What was the connection? Then Leah bore a fourth son, and called his name Judah; because, she said, "Now will I praise the Lord.". In the spring of 1445 B.C., after ten plagues had struck the Egyptians, the children of Israel were finally . Genesis 29:17 Meaning. Jacob, aided by his mother, had tricked his blind father, Isaac, into giving him the blessing that was intended for Esau, his older brother. Rachelle (ra-SHELL) is a variant pronunciation; Raquel is . 18 And Jacob loved Rachel; and said, I will serve thee seven years for Rachel thy younger daughter. Jacob and Rachel decided to flee from Rachel's father with their 12 children back to the land of Canaan. The men obligingly pointed towards a woman in the distance, telling Jacob she was Rachel, the daughter of his mother's brother Laban. Rachel's jealousy when Leah has children (Genesis 30:1) A cursory look at Rachel and Leah may leave the impression that their story is one of hatred, jealousy and deceit. Located in the Hill Country of Ephraim, the city of Shechem played a vital role in the history of Israel. German : from a pet form of a Slavic personal name (see Rach ). Her story is much entwined with that of her sister Leah. 17 Leah was tender eyed; but Rachel was beautiful and well favoured. Meanwhile, "when Rachel saw that she bore Jacob no children, she envied her sister. Jacob, aided by his mother, had tricked his blind father, Isaac, into giving him the blessing that was intended for Esau, his older brother. The Bible does not explain why Rachel stole the household idols. Rachel taught us the great importance of keeping silent when in the heat of the moment. Jacob's beautiful wife, Rachel, died and was buried near there, and when Herod was tricked by the Magi, his rage brought the deaths of all male children age two and younger. Leah begins to bear children again, having another two boys and a girl, naming them all for God's provision in her life. The two sons of Rachel are Joseph and Benjamin, and Rachel dies . Laban, accustomed to tenderly nursing the weak ewes as they were born, thought "ewe" to be a fitting name for his second daughter. In fact, it is one of the greatest love stories of all time. Rachel, apparently desperate, offers to give Leah one night sleeping with Jacob in exchange for the plants. Judah means "Praise". She said to Ya'akov "Surely I have hired thee with my son's mandrakes.". The Bible reaffirms the romantic nature of mandrakes in Song of Songs 7:14: The mandrakes yield their fragrance, at our doors are all choice fruits; Both freshly picked and long-stored have I kept, my beloved, for you. Jacob made an agreement to serve Laban . The mother of Joseph and Benjamin she is also the daughter of Laban, niece of Rebecca, sister of Leah (Jacob's first wife), and Jacob's first . The distance from Jerusalem is regarded as a " Sabbath day's journey" ( Acts 1:12 ). Rachel as a girls' name is pronounced RAY-chel. It symbolizes a special, rare ewe. Jacob and Esau - Jacob and Esau, sons of Isaac and Rebecca, are the first twins mentioned in the Bible (Genesis 25:19-28). Do Your Own Bible Study of Rachel. It's derived from the Ancient Hebrew name "Rahel", meaning "ewe", "lamb", or "sheep". @ Rachel **Debra was known not as a wife, mother or harlot, but as a judge who brought shame to the male leaders of her day because they were afraid to go to war without her. King David once gave presents to the people there from the spoils of war after successfully defeating the Amalekites ( 1 Samuel 30:27 ). One that is an inspiring story of love between a husband and wife is that of Jacob and Rachel. She is described as being "beautiful in form and countenance". Rachel, with whom Jacob fell in love, was Laban's younger daughter; and she "was beautiful of form and appearance" ( Genesis 29:16-17 ). Rachel 's Tomb is located in the city of Bethlehem, just south of Jerusalem. Rachel, in Genesis, the first book of the Hebrew Bible, one of the two wives of the patriarch Jacob. Of the three U.S. presidents who bore names from the Hebrew Bible, one of them (Harrison) was a . A beautiful young woman, she won the heart of her cousin Jacob and became his second wife. The name Benjamin has been popular in America from colonial times to the present, among Jews and Christians both. Perhaps she had a nostalgic desire to bring with her some items from her family home. The passage has gained a special significance as being cited by St. Matthew ( Matthew 2:18 ), as fulfilled in Herod's massacre of the infants of Bethlehem. Next Bilhah, Rachel's maid bore Jacob a son. Significant - A Study of Women in Jesus' Genealogy: Six Ordinary Women, One Extraordinary God [Risner, Rachel, Spoelstra, Melissa] on 1753) and mother of Joseph and Benjamin. Rachel is a Biblical name that goes back to the Old Testament. After seven years he married Rachel too. The city lay along the northern end of "The Way of the Patriarchs.". Though beautiful and loved, she was never fully secure with herself. Rachel daughter of Laban was one of the two wives of her cousin Jacob, the love of his life, and the mother of his sons Joseph and Benjamin. If true, that would certainly explain the connection Matthew saw between Ramah and Bethlehem: Rachel died near the one while traveling toward the other. In this reference, it is the smell of the mandrake that has aphrodisiac qualities and not the ingestion of any part of the plant. Out by the well, he encounters Laban's younger daughter Rachel tending her father's sheep, and decides to marry her. PearDefenders of Wildlife NewsMarion BerkleyDork Diaries 10The Language of GodKudosHitchcock's Bible Names Dictionary: Definitions of Ancient Hebrew Names Mentioned in Biblical LoreNile Days, Or, Egyptian BondsPeace Under FireThe Martyrs of ColumbineA Dictionary of First NamesMorals on the Book of Job: Parts I (bk.1-5) and II (bk.6-10)The And yet she also taught us the importance of speaking up at the right time and in the right moment. Jacob was tricked into marrying Rachel's older sister Leah. The Given Name Rachel. Do your own study of Rachel in the Bible by using these free Bible study worksheet kits. Rachel's father found them, and accused Jacob of stealing his idols. As the suffering mother of the persecuted Child who is driven into exile, Mary in Matthew's . The name was borne in the Old Testament of the Bible by the second wife of Jacob, also the mother of Joseph and Benjamin. This Godly man is a figure (type) of Christ, and his coat of many colours was a precept of how Yeshua (Jesus) had . But, to the north of Jerusalem lies a special site that contains a great mystery - the mystery of Rachel's grave. Mary's role is that of a new Rachel, mother of her people, and powerful intercessor. Rachel's Tomb (Kever Rachel) By Nechama Golding. Genesis 29:12 HEB: NAS: told Rachel that he was a relative KJV: told Rachel that he [was] her father's INT: told Jacob Rachel for was a relative. Refocus on Your Identity The root of much of Rachels's problems lies with her confused identity. Rachel's Weaknesses Let us explore this issue. But the story of Rachel in the Bible stands out in that she was not brave nor pious. Jacob was named "the supplanter" for . The sisters, used as pawns by their father Laban to deceive Jacob into staying with him, were now locked in a bitter rivalry. And Peninnah had children, but Hannah had no children" (1:2). (This man was . Each woman suffers a period of infertility, in some cases exacerbated by the presence of a fertile, though less beloved, rival wife. We learn from Rachel that if we aren't grateful for the blessings we have, and trust that God is enough, jealousy will always make us want more, insatiably.