First, he robbed a grocery store, which doesn't make any sense. See answer (1) Best Answer. Summary and Analysis Chapter 9. Giving handouts and charity. The Greaser-Soc conflict escalates to crisis. 4. Ponyboy is intelligent and sensitive and has certain un-greaserlike characteristics: he likes to go to movies by himself, does well in school, and appreciates sunsets. Randy, according to Ponyboy, had nothing two worry about since Pony was in a much worse situation. What two groups of teenagers please do as many questions as you can on the book (I don't I can't find any answers anywhere. This is a (large) chapter question sheet on the outsiders book. Is Ponyboy prejudiced towards him? Why did Randy come to see Ponyboy? Why did Ponyboy not care that Randy was seeing his house in a messy condition? Why did Randy come to visit Ponyboy when he was ill? Ponyboy is restricted to bed rest for a week after he wakes up from his concussion. He's just getting over a traumatic experience and was kicked in the head causing a concussion. 11 Why did Randy come to visit Pony when he was ill? The Outsiders Name _____ Period ____ 1 2 A Letter from the Author: S.E. Believing that Darry hates him, Ponyboy runs back outside to Johnny. Dally . Why did Randy come to visit Ponyboy when he was ill? He's just getting over a traumatic experience and was kicked in the head causing a concussion. In 1983, a film adaptation of the novel was released, directed by Francis Ford Coppola. View outsiders_chapter_review.pdf from SCIENCE 100 at Community School. 2. Ponyboy says that he'd killed Bob because he doesn't want Johnny to be known as a murderer. 5. Why does Randy come to see Ponyboy? 1. Cherry. Why did Ponyboy not care that Randy was seeing his house in a messy condition? Why did Randy come to visit Ponyboy when he was ill? Concussion. In-Class silent reading. He has a good build for his size and is a fast runner. At the hearing the next day, Ponyboy doesn't have to give a statement. In Chapter 11, Randy comes to visit him because he has missed several days from school. 4. randy visits ponyboy in chapter 11 to see how pony was doing because he wasnt in school and cherry brought it up. They have a mutual understanding and he wants Ponyboy to tell a understanding as well. Alone with Ponyboy, Johnny says that he's not ready to die, that he hasn't had enough time or enough opportunities yet in his life. Towards the end of the chapters that were assigned, Cherry Valance told Two-Bit and Ponyboy that the Socs were gonna . He came because they have a mutual understanding and that they have to go to court. He curled his hands into fists. He's just getting over a traumatic experience and was kicked in the head causing a concussion. A tall boy holds Ponyboy's head in the cold park fountain so long that he almost drowns. At 14 years old, the youngest Curtis brother and greaser. Bob's. 5. Who comes to visit Ponyboy when he is confined to bed after the rumble? As Randy and Ponyboy sit in the Mustang, Randy asks Ponyboy why he helped the kids in the burning church. He did not care because Randy is not judgmental. What? He doesn't want Pony to get rough and stop caring about things. Two-Bit and Ponyboy go to the hospital. Why did Randy come to visit Ponyboy when he was ill? They are fighting again and try to put him in . Then Ponyboy finds himself He thinks Sodapop is a lot like him. The judge is kind and asks him a few gentle questions about his home life. He was concerned about the hearing in court; he wanted to tell Pony that he was an eyewitness and saw the incident at the park and that Pony wasn't to blame Why did Pony not care that Ponyboy is in denial. When Ponyboy and Two-Bit visit Johnny in the hospital, Johnny seems weak. Summary and Analysis Chapter 10 Summary After Johnny's death and Dally's departure, Ponyboy wanders through the hospital's halls in a daze. Ponyboy feels a sinking feeling when he sees the other greasers. He's just getting over a traumatic experience and was kicked in the head causing a concussion. Randy came to visit Ponyboy when he was ill because they have a mutual understanding. Stay gold, Ponyboy. After the death of his friend Bob the Soc, Randy became sick of fights. Why did Ponyboy not care that Randy was seeing his house in a messy condition? 2. question. 6. what are the steps of data preparation. - Ponyboy would rather recieve the proper social repercussions of being involved in murder rather than be pitied because he was a Greaser. The boys have bathed and made themselves look "tuff," and leave for the rumble excitedly. what did cherry tell ponyboy to do at school? However, Randy proceeds to express his personal issues with his father and reveals his guilt regarding the. The events of the novel cause him to think about the kind of life he wants to lead and motivate him to . Analysis. The teacher lets Ponyboy choose his topic and asks that the essay be based not on research but on Ponyboy's own experiences and thoughts. -Pony has two brothers, Darry and Sodapop - Pony treats his "gang" like family - Pony's "gang' consists of himself, Darry, Soda, Dally, Two-Bit, Steve, and Johnny. 2. The rumble between the greasers and the Socs is set for 7 p.m. that night. Sodapop helped him become a greaser . He feels Sodapop tries to understand him. He was concerned about the hearing in court; he wanted to tell Pony that he was an eyewitness and saw the incident at the park and that Pony wasn't to blame Why did Pony not care that Two-Bit. 1. Why didn't Randy want to fight in the rumble? Johnny. He had to know. It is Darry's way of telling Ponyboy that he cares about him and hopes that he will recover. Ponyboy and Two-Bit go down to the Tasty Freeze to buy sodas. 6. He wants Pony to stay kind hearted and a dreamer. Whose picture does Ponyboy come across while reading in bed after the rumble? . Dead. Ponyboy and Two-Bit go to get a Coke and run into Randy. Ponyboy muses that Dally wanted to die. He repeats it aloud to convince himself of it. 3. When is Ponyboy supposed to go to court? He doesn't carry what Randy thinks. Darry Curtis. When Ponyboy wakes, Darry is at his side. Important Things To Remember From Chapter 1. answer. Through these chapters how disconnected he was at ponyboy responds that they only available for great misty clouds form relationships within his chin by calling them to. Then he allows Ponyboy to go home with his brothers. Ponyboy suffers a concussion after being beaten in the head during a rumble. Of what does Ponyboy accuse Cherry? They have a mutual understanding and tells him that they have to go to court . Hinton was only 17 years old when she started writing the book, and had it published when she was 18. To give insight into Ponyboy's family. Ponyboy knew he pressed the wrong button. In the middle of the night in the town park, the Soc boys again confront Johnny and Ponyboy. They can relate to one another. answer choices . Ch. The Outsiders Study Guide Test Review & Vocabulary Review Who is the narrator of The Outsiders? To talk about the hearing. The Outsiders by S.E. They turn to Dally because he has experience at such things. Ponyboy and Two-Bit brace for a fight, but Randy says he only wants to talk. Hinton, published in 1967. Ponyboy is the youngest of the greaser gang. Why do you think Ponyboy was ill? To convey a clear image of Ponyboy. Why do you think Ponyboy was ill? Darry Curtis. Summary: Chapter 8 His doctor told the judge about Ponyboy's condition. Why does Darry yell at Ponyboy in Chapter 11? - Ponyboy seems quite angry . Why did Randy come to visit Ponyboy when he was ill? The day after Randy visits. Describe Ponyboy's attitude toward Randy when he visits Ponyboy in his room. Thursday--All classes visit the library to renew, return and take out books--and to checkout the BOOK FAIR--bring $$! He is delirious and ill. Darry tells Randy to leave. Why do you think Ponyboy was ill? 1. "You probably found out already, but our parents passed away." Ponyboy, a young member of a small gang of Greasers, is leaving a movie theater when a group of Socs . Intellectually he knows that life can be a challenge for everyone, but his conversation with Cherry shows that his heart sometimes speaks first. Why do you think Ponyboy was ill? Ponyboy is still trying to accept the idea that everyone is human. Tim Shepard. 2. Why do the Socs surround Ponyboy in the park? Ponyboy tells Randy that Johnny isn't _____. 2. Why was Darry confused about Soda not telling Ponyboy about Sandy? What do you think is going on with Ponyboy when he says, "Johnny didn't have anyhing to do with Bob's getting killed" (p.166)? Randy tells Ponyboy that he came. then randy gets told to leave by darry because pony isn't doing too well and he was. Why did Ponyboy not care that Randy was seeing his house in a messy condition? Himself. Why does Ponyboy have a strong relationship with Sodapop? The Outsiders is a coming-of-age novel and the first book written by S.E. Will continue w Zahm on Wed! He is acquitted. What does Randy tell ponyboy he's going to do? According to Randy, he visits Pony to see how he is doing and to make sure he is okay. 7. Who does Ponyboy say killed Bob? Randy tells Ponyboy that they are going to court and that he is going to be honest at court. Randy explains that Bob was his best friend, a good guy with a terrible temper and overly indulgent parents. Randy then wants honesty from Ponyboy in court. Why do you think Ponyboy was ill? When Ponyboy and Two-Bit visit Johnny in the hospital, Johnny seems weak. answer choices . Randy tells Ponyboy that he never would have been a hero. But, as narrator, he says, "Johnny didn't have anything to do with Bob's getting killed." He would not have gone into the burning church. knows Ponyboy is sick and not feeling well. He was kicked in the head and now he has a concussion. He came because they have a mutual understanding and that they have to go to court. To convey Ponyboy's strong identity as a greaser. did not visit Johnny in the hospital. Why did Randy come to visit Ponyboy when he was ill? Randy became sick of fights. Why does Soda run out on his brothers? He asks Ponyboy for a new copy of Gone with the Wind. Chapter 1 Action Summary (Plot) and Character Involved. "How come?" I don't know. Dally . _____2. 11 Why did Randy come to visit Pony when he was ill? Randy says he does not intend to fight at the rumble. "I read about you in the paper," Randy said finally. Why did Randy come to visit Ponyboy when he was ill? 3. Randy also says that he will tell the truth and so does Ponyboy. 1. He asks Ponyboy for a new copy of "Gone with the Wind". Why does Randy come to visit Ponyboy? Cherry. He doesn't want to think his best friend is dead. Tim Shepard's gang and the others seem like genuine hoods. he wants to talk to ponyboy about how bob was a good guy and he need some one to tell him no cuz his perents NEVER seid no to him and he was looking for trouble . Pony slams down five aspirins while no one is looking; he is still successfully hiding his illness. Randy is Bob's best friend and takes his death very hard. Before the rumble, he has a talk with Ponyboy about all that has happened. This means a lot to Ponyboy, coming from Darry, who has continually fought with him throughout the novel. They have a mutual understanding and tells him that they have to go to court . Copy. When Randy comes to visit, Ponyboy says that he was the one who killed Bob, and that Johnny is not dead. He is portrayed by C. Thomas Howell in the film. He took him to the hospital to see Johnny. I would have let those kids burn to death." -Pony gets jumped -Gang saves Pony from Socs. His words lead Pony to realize that "the other guy was human too." Ponyboy feels reassured by his talk with Randy and realizes that Socs can be human and vulnerable. Why does Ponyboy say he would rather have hate than pity? Maybe I felt like playing hero." "I wouldn't have. Sodapop reminds him of his father. Why did Ponyboy not care that Randy was seeing his house in a messy condition? What is going to occur the next day? They have a mutual understanding and he wants Ponyboy to tell a understanding as well. He thinks that Darry doesn't care about him and he has never hit Ponyboy before. 8. 9. - Important Things to Remember. They have a mutual understanding and tells him that they have to go to court . Ch 1. He was kicked in the head and now he has a concussion. He finds a picture of Bob the Soc in Sodapop 's high school yearbook. 7. Towards the end of the chapters that were assigned, Cherry Valance told Two-Bit and Ponyboy that the Socs were gonna fight fairly at the rumble, no weapons, the same way as the Greasers were going to fight . Ponyboy's English teacher offers him a deal: though his work for the semester merits a failing grade, the teacher offers Ponyboy a "C" if he can write a good final "theme" paper for the semester. 3. Still apprehensive about the rumble, Pony questions everyone's motivation for the fight: "Soda fought for fun, Steve for hatred . -Ponyboy, Sodapop, and Darry are brothers -Socs are the Greasers' enemy -Johnny was beaten badly by the Socs at some point -Ponyboy is 14 and good in school -parents died in car wreck. answer choices . 5. Ponyboy and Two-Bit go to get a Coke and meet Randy. Review "Reflections" info. He has decided that violence is wrong because "it doesn't do any good." He stays out of the rumble and later comes to visit Pony when he's sick. Johnny asks for a copy of Gone with the Wind, and Two-Bit goes to the drugstore to get it for him. While there, the blue Mustang pulls into the parking lot. Randy came to visit Ponyboy when he was ill because they have a mutual understanding. Why did Ponyboy not care that Randy was seeing his house in a messy condition? Tim Shepard. He is sick and tired in fighting because there is noting happening anymore. ZAHM OUT SICK. He is not a typical Greaser, he is actually smart. Soda - Steve - Darry - Two-Bit - Pony - For fun, he likes the adrenalin rush. Dally was destined to go out in a blaze of glory. Why did Ponyboy not care that Randy was seeing his house in a messy condition? Summary: Chapter 11. Summary. Two-Bit. In the novel, Ponyboy has light-brown hair and greenish-gray eyes. Randy tells Ponyboy that he is sick of all the fighting and does not plan to go to the rumble this night. Why is the court important? 2016.. Ponyboy's identity is that of a Greaser (long hair, being a hood, having a bad reputation.) Feeling sick before the rumble, Ponyboy swallows five aspirin and struggles to eat his dinner. The concept that "Things are rough all over" is easier to accept in one's head than one's heart. At 14 years old, the youngest Curtis brother and greaser. Sick about the violence and Bob's death, Randy says he does not intend to fight at the rumble. Hinton Dear Reader, It is very difficult for me to write about . Randy tells Ponyboy that he is sick of all the fighting and does not plan to go to the rumble that night. canada unity convoy schedule; NEW 2022.05.23. First, they visit Johnny, who is very weak. Court. "Why was I put up for adoption?" The question was left unanswered for a long time. For a moment, he forgot one of the main reasons why he was there. Chapter 4. Why do you think Ponyboy was ill? Johnny, terrified, pulls out his switchblade and Ponyboy wishes he had the broken bottle. He is friends with everyone. question. When Cherry and Ponyboy first meet, she naively observes that life is hard for ev At the beginning of the novel, Ponyboy's hair is long and dark . 29 The Outsiders - Chapters 3 and 44. They have a mutual understanding and tells him that they have to go to court . Pony is in denial about Johnny's death, and keeps repeating that he isn't dead. 2. Ponyboy stared at them, eyes hardening. Explain why pony might rather anyone's hate than their pity (p.162)? . answer. Why did Randy come to visit Ponyboy when he was ill? Why does Randy come to see Ponyboy? They are Bob and Randy, two of the Socs who beat up Johnny. P. 163-166 . Ponyboy Michael Curtis is the narrator and protagonist of the 1967 novel The Outsiders, and its 1983 film adaptation. 2. Ponyboy is intelligent and sensitive and has certain un-greaserlike characteristics: he likes to go to movies by himself, does well in school, and appreciates sunsets. You're not like the rest of us and don't try to be"? 1. 3. Why doesn't Ponyboy care that Randy sees the Curtis' messy house? What was it about Ponyboy that made others confide in him i.e., Cherry, Johnny, Randy? He didn't want to face up to their deaths. Randy explains that he came to see Ponyboy to see how he was feeling, but it seems he is really there because he feels stress about the upcoming trial.