We recommend trying the new treatment for your DSLS/ESPA horse under Dr Kellon's study. Here we go! If you do not get a response in 1 day after submitting the form, please contact me at dsldinfo@gmail.com and let me know you submitted the form. DSLD/ESPA is a disease that affects the connective tissue (tendons & ligaments) and symptoms usually . Dr. Kellon is a fraud. hormonal disruptions of Cushing's or IR and tendon/ligament disease. Blog . Although there's still a lot left to be learned about DSLD, understanding is growing. Dr. Kellon is also able to do blood testing for iron overload which is a common problem with DSLD horses. . If you email Dr. Kellon and don't get an answer, email her again . Earlier, I posted about DSLD (degenerative suspensory ligament desmitis) - a debilitating and tragic disease. In Aug. 2006, Horse Journal published Dr. Kellon's article on DSLD's Devastation, which included the results of a field trial treatment plan to help alleviate the pain and symptoms of this disease. older animals, could have a negative, accelerating, effect on pre-. I also recommend Fe:Cu no higher than 4:1. If you missed that post, you can read it here. Dr Kellon posted the video below to the DSLD-Equine Group. Equine Cushing's and Insulin Resistance Website This disorder results in increased levels of cortisol which causes tendon and ligament weakness. Additional ALCAR unwanted side effects are feeling hyperactive plus insomnia when taken later while in the day Dr. Kellon: DSLD (degenerative suspensory ligament desmitis) is a complicated condition but I will try to give you a synopsis without writing a book! This was another ground-breaking . We recommend trying the new treatment for your DSLS/ESPA horse under Dr Kellon's study. Question: Hi Dr. Kellon,I have been reading a bunch online and came to your case study about using a Chinese herb and amino acid to help in weakening suspensories. Blog Internationally recognized veterinarian devoted to nutrition weights in on supporting your horse Nutritional requirements for the horse is a vastly overlooked field. A bit hard to follow in some boarding situations, but you do what you can. Dr. Eleanor Kellon, our veterinary editor, is overseeing this trial. The nuchal ligament biopsy and ongoing genetic studies will enable DSLD to be diagnosed with certainty much earlier and prevent breeding of affected horses. Staff Veterinary Expert at Uckele Health and Nutrition https://tinyurl.com/vdxfex5h . About Eleanor M. Kellon, VMD "Hope is never gone until you choose to abandon it," and "Halfway measures get halfway results," are phrases frequently used by Eleanor M. Kellon, VMD. Dr. Kellon has experience in private practice, including management of a breeding farm and rehabilitation facilities. This is still under study. I'm on this site and would like to order the product. In June 2000, Dr. Kellon published, in Horse Journal, the first warning against feeding organophosphates to horses. Ultrasound diagnosis: Severe quadrilateral DSLD (confirmed by Dr Mero) Nov 06: Follow-up Ultrasounds (see before and after images below) on Impreso showed significant improvement almost across the board from May '06 to Nov '06 while on the treatment recommended by Dr Kellon. The classical signs of Cushing's Disease in horses (pituitary pars intermedia dysfunction/PPID) of poor topline, sagging belly and long curly coat that fails to shed are only evident fairly late in the condition. Question: What is the zinc/copper ratio I should be giving my Cushings horse who now showing signs of DSLD? Owner of Equine Nutritional Solutions, www.drkellon.com, industry and private nutritional consultations, online nutritional courses. Many of you readers wrote in to tell me about help groups and forums, research and even a donated saddle that will benefit DSLD studies. Horse Journal published Dr. Kellon's article on DSLD's Devastation, which included the results of a field . It is my goal to give you the tools you need to make informed, educated decisions regarding your horse's health and nutrition. Dr. Eleanor Kellon, our veterinary editor, is overseeing this trial. The classical signs of Cushing's Disease in horses (pituitary pars intermedia dysfunction/PPID) of poor topline, sagging belly and long curly coat that fails to shed are only evident fairly late in the condition. Dr. Kellon: DSLD - degenerative suspensory ligament desmitis - is a breakdown of the suspensory ligament that is progressive, with repair unable to keep up with the destruction so lasting healing does not occur. Dr. Kellon: Supporting horses for ligament health +must occur on multiple fronts. It is nothing short of amazing. People taking this could also develop fishy odor belonging to the breath, sweat and urine. Learn about benefits, uses, feeding rates & side effects. The horse in the video is in Germany and is diagnosed with DSLD-ESPA, Cushing's Disease, and laminitis with penetration of the coffin bone. For the DSLD/ESPA, I'm about to start Dr. Kellon's herbal protocol. To get involved in this study, please answer the questions below and Email Dr. Kellon . Guy, There's probably not a direct cause and effect relationship between the. As co-owner and moderator of the Yahoo Equine Cushings and Insulin Resistance list, a group that has over 6600 members, Dr . Posts about DSLD written by Dr. Kellon. RESOURCES DSLD-Equine : Support and information site for the degenerative connective tissue disease Degenerative Suspensory Ligament Desmitis, details on a supplement protocol that helps these horses. Out of this work came a technique to suggest a diagnosis for DSLD, based on biopsy of the nuchal ligament, a big, tough ligament that connects the poll to the withers, and helps hold the horse's head an neck in position. FORUMS! I believe Dr. Kellon knows what she's talking about and has effective solutions for IR and Cushings. It may have a longer term effect on your horses comfort and health. . 6/07/05 #64494. Contact dsldinfo@gmail.com and ask for Dr Kellon's D/E Study form. Membership is free. Horses have been on treatment now for over 3 years and so far results have been promising in reducing pain, and better mobility. My Cushings horse had the opposite of DSLD, if there is such a thing. . That, plus diet change helped immensely. Just realize that the treatment . Some horses have been shown to have an abnormal form of the protein decorin which plays a role in assembling tendon and ligament tissue. The video below shows how this horse regained mobility due to correct treatment and a caring owner. Basement membrane damage is one of the abnormalities found in diseased aortas in DSLD horses. I would recommend contacting [email . In Dec. 2007, Horse Journal published an article on the use of Acetyl-L-Carnitine in horses with chronic laminitis. Dr. Kellon: The role of basic nutrients in DSLD is to avoid deficiencies that will interfere even further with tendon metabolism. The nuchal ligament biopsy and ongoing genetic studies will enable DSLD to be diagnosed with certainty much earlier and prevent breeding of affected horses. ALCAR side-effects include stomach upset, belly cramps, vomiting, nausea, frustration and restlessness. Jiaogulan is an herbal supplement used in horses to support hoof health & respiratory function. New research indicates that horses who have DSLD experience abnormal healing processes within the suspensory ligaments (1). Horses's name, Age, Breed, Sex * 2. Ligaments stabilise the joint and have a lot of strong collagen-based fibers in them. ***Dr Kellon's DSLD/ESPA STUDY***~ Treatment study on DSLD/ESPA horses using an amino acid along with a Chinese herb. About Dr. Kellon Graduate of University of Pennsylvania Veterinary School. Contact dsldinfo@gmail.com and ask for Dr Kellon's D/E Study form. DSLD/ESPA is a disease that affects the connective tissue (tendons & ligaments) and symptoms usually . About Eleanor M. Kellon, VMD "Hope is never gone until you choose to abandon it," and "Halfway measures get halfway results," are phrases frequently used by Eleanor M. Kellon, VMD. older animals, could have a negative, accelerating, effect on pre-. Spontaneous breakdown of those tissues can occur. In your area I would suggest Equi VM 2 scoops/day . *but* the hormonal problems, plus loss of the anabolic sex hormones in. The protocol for diagnosis is described here. Dr. Kellon: The Cu:Zn ratio is the same for all horses, between 1:3 and 1:5 with copper at least 150% of the NRC minimums. In some cases problems are a consequence of Cushing's disease which causes protein breakdown throughout the body (tendons and ligaments are made of protein). Tracie Dr. Kellon: Horses in their teens or older should be tested for pituitary pars intermedia dysfunction, aka Cushing's disease. This is all so new to me, I'm gutted but committed to managing both conditions, any advice (or support) would be greatly appreciated! Horses have been on treatment now for over 3 years and so far results have been promising in reducing pain, and better mobility. The DE Information and Management Group is a support group for owners of horses with DE and for those that wish to learn more about DE, a connective tissue disease. If you do not get a response in 1 day after submitting the form, please contact me at dsldinfo@gmail.comand let me know you submitted the form. Guy, There's probably not a direct cause and effect relationship between the. Palpations showed some mostly minor pain responses in some areas of . This is still under study. hormonal disruptions of Cushing's or IR and tendon/ligament disease. It refers to a progressive breakdown of ligament (or tendon) tissue that basically never heals although signs may come and go over time. The above group has lots of information on it and if you investigate the files sections you will see all the different breeds that have been affected. Thank you. Dr. Eleanor Kellon, VMD, was conducting trials on Jiaogulan, which seems very promising with increasing circulation, reducing inflammation and rejuvenating older horses and lame horses. Cheers, Anne More Jaini Clougher 5/25/16 #199350 Hi, Anne, and welcome to the list! DSLD often affects more than one leg, and is usually seen in both fore legs, both hind legs or all four legs. Title: DSLD/ESPA Symptoms, Diagnosis and Management Author: Bunny Created Date: 11/18/2014 3:40:26 PM ***Dr Kellon's DSLD/ESPA STUDY***~ Treatment study on DSLD/ESPA horses using an amino acid along with a Chinese herb. In my research after I learned about it from Karen, I don't recall reading that jiaogulan was indicated for inflammation (per se) and joints. Membership is free. It is treatable with pergolide so well worth the testing. Dr. Kellon: DSLD (degenerative suspensory ligament desmitis) is a complicated condition but I will try to give you a synopsis without writing a book! Those horses may be helped by pergolide treatment. * Indicates required field. Posts about DSLD written by Dr. Kellon. Ultimately, this created awareness amongst horse owners and brought about some changes in common feeding practices. About Dr. Kellon. DSLD is found in lots of breeds not just Peruvians. In Dec. 2007, Horse Journal published an article on the use of Acetyl-L-Carnitine in horses with chronic laminitis. Dr. Kellon gets a copy of each form. She also has extensive experience with performance horses, including eventing, fox hunting, racing, and showing.