REGC05 - Business Plan Policy and Procedure. AR41 - Fit and Proper Person - Directors (CQC) Policy and Procedure. Seeks views on a new fit and proper person's test for directors of health and care providers registered with the Care Quality Commission (CQC). When intervi ewing the nominated individual we consider whether the Ensure that the service is compliant with service regulations and standards. While the governors do not need to undergo a fit and proper persons test themselves, councils of . 2. The purpose of the interview is to aid CQC in considering the 'fitness' of a new applicant (to carry out their role as a registered person) for registration under the Act. We will also use them, together with all the other information we ask for, to decide whether or not you are suitable to be a registered manager. Regulation 19: Fit and proper persons employed. 3. CQC assesses the fitness of service providers other than individuals and partnerships by way of an interview of their 'nominated individual'. CQC FOI disclosure, Quality Sampling Report, Fit and Proper Persons, November 2016. This is the start of a potentially very long process." Meanwhile Jon Restell, chief executive of Managers in Partnership, which represents health service managers, admitted there was widespread confusion about the . Throughout everything you do, your records will be meticulous - maintaining an audit trail of all decisions, actions and outcomes. Providers who fail to comply with the condition to have a registered manager . AR66 - CQC Registered Manager Application and Interview Policy and Procedure. CQC will usually ask you to allow two to three hours for the interview itself. During a well-led review, CQC will always consider FPPR issues. When considering the application of the fit and proper persons test to particular managers, HMRC will take account of the likely impact on the charity's tax position. Ensure the service is run well and safely. It is an offence under the Health and Social Care Act to operate a registered service without a Registered Manager if the provider is required to do so. This blog follows on from our Newsflash last week, which provided an update on the Government announcement that the Fit and Proper Persons Test ( "the FPPT") will come into effect for all directors of NHS bodies from October 2014, and for all other CQC registered bodies from April 2015. As a nominated individual, you should be committed to working with others and embedding best practice. As a result of the high level of responsibility and the CQC's need to raise standards, it is easy to form the impression that this is no easy ride. Summary of policy Persons Regulations (FPPR). . CQC FOI disclosure, CQC 2017 Guidance for Inspection teams Well Led Fit and Proper Person Test. The interview usually lasts for about 30 minutes but can be longer. REGC06 - Fit and Proper Person - Directors (CQC) Policy and Procedure. The term 'manager' is defined in the legislation as the persons having the general control and management of the . Consequently, for many applicants, the prospect of a forthcoming fit person interview may be a somewhat The CQC holds trusts to account in relation to the FPPR through the well-led key question of its regulatory model. The intention of the fit and proper persons regulation (FPPR) is make sure that people who have director-level responsibility for the quality and safety of care, treatment and support are fit and proper to carry out their role. His appeal was Ridouts LLP CQC fit person interviews - the Tribunal delivers its damning . The CQC holds trusts to account in relation to the FPPR through the well-led key question of its regulatory model. The following components have to be prepared before the application is submitted, and we assist you with this ordeal by breaking it all into manageable steps: supporting documents, e.g., insurance and financial accountability statements. REGC07 - Director or Trustee's Development Appraisal Policy and Procedure. 2 The fit and proper persons regulations 7 2.1 Summary of the requirements for fit and proper persons 7 2.2 CQC's national guidance 9 2.3 Complying with the legislation through robust policies and procedures 11 2.4 Ongoing assessment processes 15 3 Fit and proper persons investigations: a ten step guide 17 It relates to registered providers, which we refer to as 'providers'. Written Questions & Answers 500 + VAT Includes: The written questions and answers CQC have asked our previous 600+ clients. Hempsons - leading health and social care lawyers. A recorded and scored interview with interview questions which include probing competence, skills and experience. Qualifications and certification - No need to bring swimming badges or cycling proficiency! For Directors in attendance at the 26 March 2020 Trust Board meeting, to update their compliance to the Fit and Proper Person Test by a further self-declaration for a formal minute to update the register. ID to bring on the day (passport/driving licence). Has supplied them with documents that confirm their suitability. The role of the nominations committee is to interview and assess candidates, and recommend suitable appointments to meetings . This is because refusal of registration is not always concerned with the fitness of individuals. of all bodies registered by CQC are, and remain, fit and proper persons for the role. The day-to-day work of a consultant relies heavily on a set of "soft skills" which the fit interview is designed to test. The fit and proper persons test applies to the 'managers' of the charity. "The CQC will no doubt want to be reasonably confident the individual is not a fit and proper person before it takes any action. Executive, CQC. Preparing for the CQC Fit Person Interview This interview needs to be taken seriously as you will not be registered if you do not successfully demonstrate you are a fit and proper (suitable) person who can run the care business safely and meet all regulatory requirements. As part of the application process for any new provider, the CQC will conduct a 'fit person' interview with the registered manager. Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014: Regulation 19. Care providers should only employ those who can offer the correct treatment and care for their role. We explain how it works and examine options for reform. Where we use . Background. The Fit and Proper Person Test causes confusion and sometimes trepidation among many NHS managers. This schedule has no associated Explanatory Memorandum. Prepare for the interview CQC will confirm your interview date, along with information to bring along. . CQC Compliance is proud to be part of the WorkNest group (itself part of Marlowe PLC), the UK's leading providers of outsourced Employment Law, HR and Health & Safety services.While our expertise will always be healthcare compliance, our position within the group allows our clients to access industry-leading specialist support from our 400+ colleagues across WorkNest. Evidence of a values based interview process 6. Consulting work requires constant interaction with individuals at all levels of the business hierarchy. It is an offence under the Health and Social Care Act to operate a registered service without a Registered Manager if the provider is required to do so. The disclosed guidance to CQC inspectors describes a largely tick box, administrative exercise but it does include ensuring that qualifications are checked. Guidance on the t and proper person test for licensing of landlords and agents The fit and proper person test 1. Remember, the role of a registered manager is enshrined in law. REGDC01 - Business Continuity Policy . 3.4 The interview process should include some specific questions designed to test . In deciding to grant a licence the licensing authority (operating under the branding of "Rent Smart Wales") must be satisfied that "the applicant is a fit and proper person to be licenced".1 2. Actions may include: routine scrutiny requiring no further action. There is no score generated, nor a minimum threshold which must be achieved. Get our CQC Interview Questions & Answers for your fit and proper person interview. individuals who are fit for their role. CQC FOI disclosure, Quality Sampling Report, Fit and Proper Persons, November 2016. The interview is not a test. REGC08 - DBS/Disclosure Policy and Procedure. 3.2 The update from the CQC gives guidance and definitions on serious mismanagement and misconduct. is asked to ratify the Fit and Proper Person Policy Reporting to: Workforce Committee Date 5th July 2018 Paper Title Corporate Fit & Proper Persons Policy Brief Description This Policy formalises the process that has been developed to ensure the requirements placed on NHS providers, through the Care Quality Commission's 11 - Fit and Proper Staff. We believe this information would not be sufficiently useful in helping to determine the fitness of an individual in itself. Below we have laid out the CQC registration steps to help you identify and understand all the key stages. Q. prepare for the CQC fit person interview. The CQC inspector might also ask questions about the information you have already submitted as part of your application. 11.Fit and proper persons employed - Persons employed must be of good character, have the right qualifications, competence, skills and experience to perform their role. Much of this assessment process is subjective; it's not a test to complete X questions in Y minutes, so there are no hard and fast rules. All that the employer needs to satisfy is regulation 19. Fit person interview . CQC cannot prosecute for a breach of this regulation or any of its parts, but we can take regulatory action. Realistically, for most applicants, the assessor should be able to gather enough information to enable a decision to be made in 1-2 hours. Introduction We refer to Regulation 5 as the fit and proper persons requirement for directors or 'FPPR'. CQC aims to ensure that people who use services are safeguarded by a rigorous but proportionate registration process for all managers. REGC04 - CQC New Provider Registration Guidance Policy and Procedure. By Dr Minh Alexander NHS whistleblower and retired consultant psychiatrist 21 February 2021. Are the fit and proper person regs fit for purpose. 2. rescheduling inspections. In January 2018 the CQC updated its guidance for providers and inspectors in respect of Regulation 5 Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014, namely the fit and . A check of employment history and two references one of which must be the How long does the registration process take? 5 as the fit and proper persons requirement for directors (FPPR). CQC assesses the fitness of service providers other than individuals and partnerships by way of an interview of their 'nominated individual'. Information to support initial consideration of individual cases Brief outline of the circumstances of the my experience This is an interview to check if you are a suitable person who is t, of good character who is able to manage your service safely. The intention of this regulation is to ensure that people who have director level responsibility for the quality and safety of care, and for meeting the fundamental standards are fit and proper to carry out this important role. The disclosed guidance to CQC inspectors describes a largely tick box, administrative exercise but it does include ensuring that qualifications are checked. The purpose of an interview is part of the process of considering the 'fitness' of a new applicant for registration under the Health and Social Care Act 2008. We have highlighted below some questions that might be asked: 11. Fit and proper person requirements: adult social care services Categories: Organisations we regulate The intention of the fit and proper persons regulation (FPPR) is make sure that people who have director-level responsibility for the quality and safety of care, treatment and support are fit and proper to carry out their role. This consultation ran from 27 March 2014 to 5pm on . However, in practice the interview can be as short as half an hour and typically lasts an hour. 6 Myth busters about inspection Nominated individuals (NIs) have no statutory responsibilities with inspection and do not have to be present at an inspection or feedback meeting about an inspection. At interview you can form an opinion as to whether you think they are suitable for the job. What are you required to report to the CQC? The simple answer is YES.