This DNA activation will create more profound shifts in your daily life as it is designed to accelerate your frequency resonance, expand your consciousness and awareness. Such benefits are fundamentally singular - becoming our greatest spiritual self. The time in-between each session will allow release (healing) and integration of the new frequencies. It raises your frequency level, helping you with the shifts. Healing over of old emotional wounds. What Is DNA Activation? We also start transcending our physical and we start living like a human spiritual being. You'll be able to connect more easily to higher dimensions for spiritual wisdom. KEY BENEFITS OF DNA ACTIVATION (*DENOTES THE BENEFITS we've PERSONALLY EXPERIENCED SINCE our OWN 48 STRAND ACTIVATION.) Activating Your DNA. You want to follow up with the 60 strand DNA activation after this one. The powers, secrets, and mysteries of one's true inner Being will become manifest as light moves through the cells in . In some ways, both of these situations could relate to the activation of the 12 Strand DNA, though this activation . A person with quantum consciousness is ONE with everything. What is DNA activation? . DNA activation is the process of accreting more light into your morphogenetic field by activating the dormant strands of DNA that correspond to your Higher Self. You will feel this as an itching at your Crown Chakra. The Interdimensional 12 Strand DNA Activation takes approximately one hour, including pre-instructions, the activation, and . Intervention with tomato oleoresin extract resulted in significant increases in total plasma lycopene and resulted in decreased levels of DNA strand breaks of approximately 32 (non-smokers) and 39% (smokers). You can also just purchase 1 session at a time. . The healing effects of Pellowah are a wonderful by product of a "Shift in Consciousness". . Our human form is composed of 12 physical strands of DNA and 12 corresponding spiritual strands, totaling 24 strands. Long distance Skype sessions or in-person available. This session is designed to remove all of the various energetic blockages and accelerate your DNA activation process. In addition to our 2 double helix DNA strands we have 10 additional DNA strands that belong to . Available at in Paperback ($14.50) and Kindle Format $4.99. Through this modality, one will experience a higher attunement to Spirit; spiritual growth and self-transformation will be accelerated as a result. Benefits May Include: - Heightened Awareness - Heightened Intuition, Clairvoyance and Clairaudience - Strengthened Immune System - Regeneration of dis-eased Cells - Physical Body Detoxification - More Energy - Look/Feel Younger - Clearing of Genetic and Karmic Patterns - Higher Connection to the Divine - Receipt of Your Spiritual Birthright Gifts By changing your DNA you can change your life. CHAKRA cleansing, rebalancing and activation. You will begin to manifest your higher intuition, telepathy, and clairvoyance. Spiritual Benefits - Activation of DNA : Live LIFE from a higher wisdom, a universal truth . All ancient Indian Maharishis with superhuman powers had 12 strand DNA. 12 Strand DNA Activation is the activation of the double helix which exists in our three-dimensional plane of existence as well as the five other double helices which exist at a higher vibratory rate and are therefore unobservable. The true 12 strand DNA activation benefits are on a spiritual level. Other benefits include- Better self confidence Lesser anxiety and stress Decrease in irrational impulses Being able to move on from the wounds and hurts from the past Better memory More dream recalling power More compassion towards others The DNA activation is now becoming a part of the Earth's collective consciousness. It is both the activation of the subconscious mind and super-conscious mind made aware in your conscious state. DNA activation is a process of bringing more light into your vital body and field of awareness, which in turn raises your vibration. With 12 Strand DNA Activation 10 additional strands will be activated. Ability to better recall dreams. 24 Strand DNA Activation is not Reiki or a healing system. Categorized as Uncategorized The Pleiadians on "12 strand DNA activation": Original humans had 12 strands of DNAcontributed by different civilizations 300,000 years ago "creator gods" (reptilians) genetically downgraded humans to 2 strands of DNA and began a reign of fear and manipulation from 4D/fourth density (also referred to as the lower astral). Activation of the MerKaBa antenna. With our brain, according to popular belief, we only use approximately 10%. The activation of the 12 strands happens in 3 steps: 1. . If DNA strand breaks are present, several proteins, including NBS1 and BRCA1, are recruited to the sites of the breaks independent of the ATM activation process. But you must integrate this new knowledge with the previous layer(s). Some benefits resulting from the DNA activation include: increased brain capacity and expanded . Scientists call these strands "junk DNA" since they do not know what they are for. Benefits May Include after receiving energy: - Abundance & Prosperity - It includes the activation of all 12 strands of your DNA plus the activation of the 12 interdimensional layers of energy that surround the DNA. The investment in yourself for the first four sessions (Auric Clearing, Karmic Session, and 2 DNA Activations) is only $400. 2. The therapeutic benefits of this combination require host STING and are mediated by a type I IFN response and . Decreased impulsiveness. As a species we are now evolving and are waking up dormant parts of our spiritual DNA. Archangel Metatron connects in this 28:56 activation to activate your crystalline DNA, and connect you with the light of the Infinite. Above all, it will pull you into the higher dimensions. Improve Your Life At the DNA Level Using Hypnosis!!! $ 0,00. Each strand awakens a deeper connection to Source, to the essence of whom we are and is necessary for one on the ascension path. 4. Not the same as a dandruff itch. Turn up the dial of your frequency and radiance and start shining with the fullness of your Source Light. The MerKaBa antenna is used to receive messages from other dimensions. This will help you develop a connection to your Higher Self. The key to humanity's physical, emotional, mental and spiritual evolution lies within our DNA. This method takes into account the binding equilibrium between the functional strand and three partners-blocking strand, broken blocking strands (if multiple linkers are incorporated), and target. Renewed kindness and compassion. Benefits: Achieve a state of joy and bliss Health is restored Emotions are balanced Enhanced intuition Light Body Awakening Some people believe that although we have 12 strands of DNA we only use 2 strands to build our bodies. REDUCED STRESS & ANXIETY* DEEPER, RESTORATIVE SLEEP* ENHANCED DREAM ACTIVITY & AWARENESS* EXPANDED AWARENESS | ACTIVATED SOUL-LEVEL VISION* DEEPER MEDITATIONS & STILLNESS PRACTICE* The releasing of unconscious expectations* 12 Strand DNA Activation Mantra (Om maNi padmE huM), reciting method, usage of Sri Yantra, to eliminate 96% junk and attain super human powers similar to Anc. Your 22 DNA session will be recorded for your review. Repair of DNA single strand breaks (SSB) and double strand breaks (DSB) 3 h after 12 Gy whole body irradiation of rats were also significantly improved in C-MED-100 treated animals (P < 0.05). This means ALL living things - plants, trees, animals, devas, nature spirits, Gaia. Pellowah connects all 12 strands of DNA - ready for activation. The DNA Activation Technique Awakening the Masters The DNA Activation allows us to survive the environmental poisons created by man, as well as accelerates our psychic senses. The 22-Strand DNA Activation is a tremendous gift that was unveiled in 1998 and is now being shared with mankind to help accelerate the spiritual awakening of the collective consciousness of the planet. The fifth transmission is for the activation of the silicate blue light body that activates the main 12 Strand DNA and releases the core pattern of personal blocks. It is a personal empowerment and its energies are meant for personal use only. $272 Call Devara 928-848-1136. Every sense will be more in the blink of an eye. DNA contains two active strands of molecules wrapped around each other in a helix (a 3D curve/coil). This is part 2 of the DNA Activation Series. Earlier humans had 12 strand DNA but after Kali Yuga started (about 5100 years ago), our DNA shrunk and now only limited to 2 strands, out of which 96% is junk ! People should realize that the old have to be completely stripp away in order to make a new way. DNA activation means increasing the information in your DNA. - Better life expectancy, metabolism and senses. Benefits PopTika/Shutterstock Physical Benefits: Improved cellular metabolism - increased vitality and energy; A balance of natural fat/muscle; Craving healthier foods - raw, organic, unprocessed, seasonal, local; A desire to purify the body with vital water; Decreased desire to eat excess lifeless food; Detoxification, shiny skin, hair, and nails; 2012 Ascension DNA Activation UFOs and Ascended. It helps you have better control over your own self, resulting in maturity and overall feeling of well being. Spiritual Purpose for DNA Assembly. Moreover, we become aware of the mission we have in our lives and the aim that the soul holds in. The sixth transmission is for the integration of these energies in your energetic body with ease and grace. This unique activation is initiatory, associated with the traditional mystery school lineage of King Solomon. The activation of all 12 strands (six double helices) can . August 4, 2015. 12 Strand DNA Activation is the activation of the double helix which exists in our three-dimensional plane of existence as well as the five other double helices which exist at a higher vibratory rate and are therefore unobservable. Multi-Dimensional (5th thru 13th Dimensional) Activation - Purchase 1152 Strand DNA Activation. DNA Activation is a one time process and can be done on anyone, including children. The 12 layers of your DNA are: The Tree of Life The Blueprint of Life The Present Consciousness Awakening The Belief Layer As we awaken our 12 strands of energetic DNA strands within us, we awaken to the Divine within. The Benefits of the Vajra Guru Mantra And an Explanation of its Syllables A Treasure Text . . And who benefits? With the 12 Strand DNA Activation, you have access to ten times the information available through your DNA. Each DNA Find this Pin and more on Spirituality by Dennis Flowers. Now you can Step up to the next level of your spiritual evolution with the activation of your 12 DNA strands, the 12 layers of interdimensional energy that surround them, and your Akashic Record. - Decrease in irrational impulses. Multi-Dimensional (5th thru 13th Dimensional) Activation - Purchase 1152 Strand DNA Activation. 4.1 The Early Human had 12 Strand DNA, Corresponding with 12 Chakras . Thus, the evolutionary choice of anti-parallel DNA as the genetic material requires explanation, given that parallel DNA double strands are proven to form within the physiological range of . At that point we shift our cognitive reality beyond time and space. . DNA Activation is an intent-based conscious spiritual journey for those who seek to explore the multidimensional realms of time, space and beyond. Spiritual Benefits In this blocking-strand strategy, activation generates a structural change that can be easily monitored by Frster resonance energy transfer (FRET). Description. Anyone on a dedicated path of ascension will find this series to provide great insights into the unfolding journey. What Does Twelve Strand DNA Mean to You? You should follow up with the 24 strand package next. Discover Empowering STEPS's latest course offering 12 Strand DNA Activation. This was a "pre-duality" time/space on earth, and the humanoid race was semi-physical and moved freely among the third, fourth and fifth . This activation paves the way to greater access to all that we are expanding into as we move into the fifth dimension and higher dimensions. 3. The 12 chakras act as energetic doorways into our body connecting us to the vital forces of existence. This appearance of 12 strands may result as a holographic phenomenon when viewing the energetic bodies of DNA remotely. One of the main benefits of DNA activation is being able to access and . Apparently the 10 unused strands are called shadow or junk DNA by scientists. . The Auric Clearing and Karmic Sessions are $100 each, and the DNA Activation sessions are $100 each.